Formerly known as RNSM, Zaki first made his presence known in the underground battle scene. He quickly became well-known when he joined Sunugan’s tournament in 2021 and reached the finals by beating top names such as M Zhayt, Romano, and Lhipkram. His performance was enough for Anygma to give him a spot at the league’s roster. Zaki’s debut match took place at Ahon 12, which is FlipTop’s biggest event of the year. He faced Don Pao in a highly-acclaimed back-and-forth battle.
Zaki is renowned not only for his brilliant wordplays and angles, but also for his intensity in his delivery. His aggression makes every punchline much more effective. When he’s not battling, Zaki focuses on making music. You can check out his tracks and music videos on his YouTube channel.