Do you miss FlipTop’s English Conference? Let’s see how we can bring it back.
Since 2010, FlipTop has been dominating social media with its classic battles. While most of these historic matchups are in Tagalog, the league also had an English Conference. It wasn't as popular as the Filipino showdowns but it still had a loyal following. Tectonics 2 in 2013 was the last event that featured an all-English lineup. The last pure English Conference match took place at Unibersikulo 4 in 2016, where Loonie faced Mark Grist. Nine years later, many are asking if it will make a comeback. That is exactly what we'll talk about today. How can we revitalize the English Conference and be more successful?
The first thing the English Conference needs today is a stacked roster. There were only a few who battled before and most of them became inactive from the art form. They either focused on music and other projects or realized hip-hop was not for them. The Philippine scene still has plenty of English emcees but they chose to just be supporters of battle rap. As for the legends who have competed in freestyle battles before FlipTop was established, there are plenty who still write rhymes today. It would be awesome to see them perform in the modern format setting. We’re sure they still got it. For the FlipTop originals, it’s never too late! The league is here to stay and there are fans waiting. Of course, new rappers are welcome. A Process of Illumination for the English Conference would be a great idea. It’s all up to Anygma and the staff now.
Apart from a massive roster, obviously, quality is also very important. If you have 50 emcees and 30-35 of them are wack or mediocre, then don’t expect a strong movement. Yes, the majority of rappers from the first batch of the conference are highly skilled but if we’re going to add more to the lineup, the next generation should be equally remarkable or on a much higher level. Now, imagine a group of top-tier, competitive English lyricists, we are in for a monumental series of events! We can even get an English Conference version of Isabuhay.
Lastly, and this is arguably the most important, the English Conference can be revived and be stronger if it has the support from FlipTop’s huge fanbase. The Anygma vs Dirtbag Dan is the most viewed in the conference, amassing over 4 million views. It is way behind the most viewed in the Filipino Conference. You may say that there’s Zaito vs Charron but we’re talking about pure English matchups here. Tectonics 2 featured some of the biggest names in the international battle rap circuit such as Charron, Loe Pesci, Tantrum, Bender (RIP), and Shazaam, FlipTop spent a vast amount of money for it but attendance-wise, it was decent at best. While the English Conference had a loyal fanbase, it wasn’t enough to keep it going. Here’s to hoping that this year many supporters (especially those who had violent reactions to the English battles) will have an open mind.
What are your favorite English Conference bouts? Who do you think is the best emcee? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. Anygma said last year that they're planning to bring it back so we'll just have to wait and see. 2025 is FlipTop's 15th anniversary, making it the perfect time to do it. As for the next event, make sure you follow the league's official Facebook page to stay updated. See you all at Second Sight 14!