
The 2024 Isabuhay Tournament So Far

Let’s talk about the updated lineup of this year’s Isabuhay Tournament.

Jake Tan
June 11, 2024

Only two battles left before we proceed to the semifinals of the 2024 Isabuhay. So how is the tournament so far? It’s arguably the most unpredictable ever. Every emcee took their lyricism to a much higher level, it’s hard to pick a clear winner. They all have what it takes to become the champion, thus making this year’s contest so exciting. Let’s take a look at the six remaining competitors of the tourney!


If you still doubt SlockOne’s skills now, then you’re just a hater. SlockOne showed a more well-rounded style in 2023 and this year, he elevated it further. His battle with Ruffian at Zoning 17 is already considered by many as a candidate for battle of the year, and with his improved pen game and stage presence, you can expect another incredible performance from him in the semis. His comedic prowess is still there but now, he mixes it up with some remarkable technical writing.

EJ Power

Based on his Gubat 13 performance against Poison13, EJ Power’s goal of becoming the 2024 Isabuhay Champion can certainly be achieved. He continues to be effective when it comes to dark humor, heavy bars, and creative metaphors. Combine those with his impeccable confidence on stage and you got yourselves a force to be reckoned with. He’s facing a fellow heavyweight in the semis and for sure, he’s going to be fully prepared for it. We can’t wait!


What makes Romano stand out in this tournament is his impressive freestyle ability. He has dropped some of the best rebuttals in FlipTop history, and he definitely has more in store for his next matches. As for his writing, Romano remains to be a threat when it comes to combining witty comedy and devastating punchlines. His material becomes much more effective thanks to his intense delivery. He may have taken a break from battling but based on recent performances, it’s like he never left.

Sur Henyo

The 2017 Isabuhay Finalist aims to finally win the big one this year! It can definitely happen if he remains consistent in his performance and material. Sur Henyo has always been one of the best when it comes to delivery and balancing jokes, serious lines, and technical concepts. He also displays utmost confidence on stage, making his punchlines hit even harder. With his well-rounded style intact, expect an entertaining showing from him in the quarterfinals of the tournament.  


He was the most improved in 2023 and now, he is one of the favorites. Vitrum retained his trademark aggression and mercilessness while further enhancing his writing. His unorthodox, often dark brand of humor mixed with hard-hitting content has made him a legitimate threat in this tournament. The fact that some fans are already predicting his championship win is proof that he has undeniably stepped his game up. Don’t be surprised if he has plenty more in store in the semifinals. 


GL is one of the emcees responsible for elevating battle rap lyricism from 2022 onwards. While being technical is nothing new in FlipTop, GL made it unique by focusing on concept-based rounds and storytelling. He may not have an aggressive delivery, but his laidback approach has that “calm but deadly” vibe. Many consider him as the favorite to win this year’s tournament. He always brings something new in his battles, so get ready to witness more greatness from him in the semis. 

The last two quarterfinal matchups (Sur Henyo vs GL and EJ Power vs Romano) will take place at Unibersikulo 12 on June 29, 2024. We’ll see you all there! If you’re still looking for tickets, you can send a PM to FlipTop’s official Facebook page. They also post other purchase options there. Who do you think will advance to the semis? Who is your bet to win it all? Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments section.